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品牌: Guinot
效能 男士專用鬚後乳液,能舒緩刮鬍後的皮膚,令刮鬍更舒適容易,提供深層及持久的保濕效果,令肌膚更顯平滑。 使用方法 容量 75..
品牌: Guinot
效能 清爽而不膩,可深層清除不潔物 - 薄荷具清爽,即時令肌膚恢復清迎感覺,尿囊素ALLANTOINE,具柔化,紓緩,促進細胞再生 - 金縷梅有收緊及抗菌, BIOECOLIA具平衡肌膚抵抗功能. 加入特別舒爽配方,易於使用及清洗 使用方法 每天早晚,取適量放於濕潤的掌心,打圈搓揉出豐富泡沫後,塗抹於濕潤的面上, 輕輕打圈清潔後,以清水洗淨,再輕拍收縮水,塗上舒敏精華及面霜效果更佳。 容量 150..
品牌: Guinot
效能 收緊眼周減低浮腫,撃退黑眼圈,平滑乾紋及皺紋 - 七葉樹精華能暢通脈管及加強微循環,維生素E具再生,抗自由基,抗氧化及保濕 - 水脂複合物有滋潤深入細胞核心,緊膚蛋白精華能促進彈性纖維合成提升眼部肌肉 - 海澡精華AOSAINE能強化皮膚組織內的細胞薄膜,柔軟光子色素能改善外觀上的深厚紋理 使用方法 早, 晚潔面後取適量後輕輕打圈眼部皮膚使用,切勿進入眼睛. 容量 20..
品牌: Guinot
效能 蘊含多重補水複合物,可以重建肌膚組織、恢復年輕肌膚水分含量;另外加入具有高度補水特性的玻尿酸,為肌膚形成一個保護屏障,激活肌膚的自身補水機能,並促進水分從真皮層向表皮層的輸送,全面恢復鎖水、補水能力,帶來持久滋潤 使用方法 容量 30..
品牌: Guinot
效能 Guinot 活肌水凝霜確保皮膚整體保濕。令肌膚柔軟,水嫩,富有彈性和容光煥發。恢復美麗,年輕的外觀。振興皮膚。臉看起來更加年輕。 增強皮膚的保濕機制 創建防止蒸發的屏障 改善水分配 豐滿並充滿脫水線 使用方法 徹底清潔後,每天早晨和/或晚上塗抹於面部。 適合脫水皮膚使用 容量 50..
品牌: Guinot
效能 - 調理皮膚並刺激細胞新陳代謝以加強表皮結構 - 保護皮膚免於過早老化 - 減弱脫水線並強烈補充水分 - 撫平肌膚,消除疲勞跡象 - 通過去除皮膚瑕疵來促進細胞更新,並使其看起來容光煥發 適合任何性質皮膚使用 使用方法 早晚徹底潔面後塗抹於面部 容量 50..
品牌: Thalgo
效能 適用肌膚:暗沉疲憊肌膚 產品功效:提升保濕 產品特點:適合無光澤和疲憊肌膚的抗疲勞面部保濕霜。無重凝膠質地。含有來自海洋的Scre Bleue,海洋泉水。富含微量元素和礦物鹽,有滋養功效。混合用Lumisource來刺激細胞的自然排毒。 富含生物活性的橙皮苷,為肌膚重新氧化。注入天然藻類色素,為肌膚注入活力,消除疲勞的明顯跡象,呈現更柔軟,滋潤,清爽,更容光煥發的肌膚。 容量 50ml 產地 法國..
品牌: Thalgo
效能 Absolute Radiance Concentrate corrects all visible signs of dull, tired skin. Results : Up to 80% more velvety skin. Up to 100% increased radiance and 43% more even complexion for 9 out of 10 women. ACTIVE INGREDIENTS Acid Trio + Citrus Zest Gently remove dead cells to smooth the surface of the s..
品牌: Thalgo
效能 為雙眼24小時保濕並有即時的清涼醒神效果,減少幼紋、黑眼圈及浮腫,放鬆、平滑及喚醒眼部肌膚。蘊含深海活泉水,為雙眼重新注入活力並加添光采,令明眸再現。 容量 15ml 產地 法國..
品牌: Thalgo
效能 適用肌膚:中性至混合性肌膚 產品功效:滋養水潤 產品特點:注入海洋能量!以海洋為本的泡沫潔面霜,能有效地去除化妝品和雜質,含有豐富的礦物質,可以深層滋養和水潤肌膚,使皮膚柔軟舒適。非常適合中性至混合性皮膚。 使用方法 按摩到面上並加水產生泡沫。徹底沖洗並繼續日常護膚步驟。 容量 125ml 產地 法國..
品牌: Thalgo
效能 適用肌膚:乾燥敏感肌膚 產品功效:滋養補水 產品特點:明天即將出席重要的場合,但是皮膚狀況連連怎麼辦?這款深度滋養面膜為您救急,含有高濃度海洋冷霜,深層修復肌膚,10分鐘即可滋養鎮定。富含琉璃苣油微膠囊成分,細小分子將脂肪酸滴滴滲入肌膚,舒緩緊繃灼熱的臉部,擊退泛紅,皮膚更穩定健康。 使用方法 塗抹於潔淨臉部及頸部,10分鐘輕柔洗淨。每週使用兩次。 容量 50..
品牌: Thalgo
效能 適用肌膚:乾燥敏感肌膚 產品功效:舒緩鎮定 產品特點:敏感肌膚連面霜也要用最溫和的,這款富含有機白羽扇豆精粹的舒緩面霜,均衡肌膚水油,修復受損皮膚。緩解緊繃灼燒的不適,鎮定皮膚泛紅。同時融入生物脂肽成分,提升肌膚自我防禦力,抵禦外界壓力。長達24小時維持舒適健康狀態,令肌膚更柔軟、舒緩、平衡。 容量 50..
品牌: Thalgo
效能 A high-potency regenerating facial essence Concentrated with the best of the five oceans to deliver 61 marine biomimetic nutrients Helps enhance skin's ability to regenerate itself Formulated with Adenosine to activate renewal of the epidermis Boosts the synthesis of skin proteins Blended with Hy..
品牌: Thalgo
效能 A sensorial treasure to restore youthful-looking curves. Results : TOTAL BEAUTY TREATMENT FOR A HARMONIOUS SILHOUETTE Firmer, more toned, smoother skin: more than 8 out of 10 women(2) Soft, beautiful-looking skin: 94%(2) Proven hydrating effect(3) (2) Clinical study under dermatological control o..
品牌: Thalgo
效能 A marine-based rejuvenating facial mask Contains Intelligence marine Régénérative to re-hydrate skin & reduce blemishes Blended with Oxygen BTX Vector to re-define facial volumes Provides Botox-like smoothing, intense oxygenation Loaded with hyaluronic acid microspheres to deliver intense hydrati..
品牌: Thalgo
效能 The absolute beauty experience for renewed youth. Results : EFFECTIVENESS MEASURED AFTER ONE MONTH Redefined features: +30.75% increase in elasticity(2) Wrinkles smoothed, skin firmer: +23% reduction in wrinkles(2) Total youthfulness effect: more than 8 out of 10 women(3) More even complexion: mo..
品牌: Thalgo
效能 This product is enriched with Cold Cream Marine to offer guaranteed comfort for 24 hours, to replenish, repair and soothe sensations of tingling, overheating and diffuse redness. Results : 24 hours of comfort* Proven tolerance under dermatological control* 100% satisfaction: replenished and sooth..
品牌: Thalgo
效能 This solution contains a high concentration of soothing biomimetic lipopeptides and a marine neuro-cosmetic innovation to help moderate the excessive release of stress messengers and increase the skin's tolerance threshold. Results : Visible redness correction in 7 days* 40% reduction in the amou..
品牌: Thalgo
效能 The first product enriched with Cold Cream Marine that effectively replenishes, soothes and repairs very dry and sensitive skin for guaranteed comfort for up to 24 hours. Results : >> 24 comfort (1) Tolerance proven under dermatological control >> 100% repair tingling irritation + + + itching rou..
品牌: Thalgo
效能 This mask, infused with Cold Cream Marine, is deeply repairing. Enriched with micro-encapsulated Borage Oil, it infuses fatty acids (Omega-6) drop by drop into the skin, helping to soothe all feelings of discomfort. Results : Skin feels intensely nourished(3) >> 100% Feelings of tightness(4) and ..
品牌: Thalgo
效能 質地幼細豐盈,蘊含維他命原B5,能重建肌膚結構,增加肌膚密度及重塑輪廓。超淨化甘草萃取物能糾正及預防黑斑及面部瑕疵。每日使用,肌膚更能對抗地心吸力,結構組織得到重整,變得更緊緻均勻。 容量 50ml 產地 法國..
品牌: Thalgo
效能 質地幼細豐盈,蘊含維他命原B5,能重建肌膚結構,增加肌膚密度及重塑輪廓。超淨化甘草萃取物能糾正及預防黑斑及面部瑕疵。每日使用,肌膚更能對抗地心吸力,結構組織更緊緻。添加了類神經酰胺植物複合物,令乳霜的保濕滋潤度更高 容量 50ml 產地 法國..
品牌: Thalgo
效能 This eye cream helps revive dull, fatigued eyes Contains a Plant Complex, composed of Horse Chestnut & Sweet Clover extracts Adds firmness to reduce fine lines & wrinkles in the eye contour area Brightens the skin to eliminate puffiness & dark circles Leaves the eye area smooth, making the eyes l..
品牌: Thalgo
效能 To open up the eye area, this skincare product is enriched with a firming natural active ingredient and concentrates all of the density-restoring and lifting power of the Patented Marine Replenishment Complex. The eye contour area instantly appears smoothed. Day after day, wrinkles seem to fade..
品牌: Thalgo
效能 質地極易被肌膚吸收,塗抹後可立即使用日常護理產品,讓皮膚保持柔軟舒適。以透明質酸激活高濃度專利海洋複合物,能增加肌膚密度並改善整體鬆弛。三重亮采活性成份 讓面部肌膚回復紅潤神采,膚色更均勻,感覺煥然一新。肌膚重拾光澤亮采,膚色均勻,增加表皮密度,並撫平皺紋及幼紋。 容量 30ml 產地 法國..
品牌: Thalgo
效能 100% natural Micronised Marine Algae can be added to bathwater, allowing you to discover all the benefits of the sea at home. Once infused, the trace elements revitalise and purify. Rich in iodine, these 3 algae reveal a more harmonious and refined silhouette. Results : The algae encourage overal..
品牌: Thalgo
效能 This very powerful intensive treatment product moderates seborrhoea, restores the quality of sebum, reduces skin thickness and unclogs pores. In just 7 days, the skin is purified and sebum secretion is normalised. Results : Level of sebum after only 7 days of treatment: up to -48%* Healthier-look..
品牌: Thalgo
效能 This fluid offers dual anti-shine correction: Acti'Sébum neutralises the shine effect of sebum by modifying its viscosity, while Fucus Spiralis and Tetraselmis chui help regulate the appearance of excess sebum. To perfect the skin's texture, Lentil Oligosaccharides minimise the appearance of pore..
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