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品牌: Thalgo
效能 適用肌膚:混合性至油性肌膚 產品功效:淨透,清潔 產品特點:就算天天洗臉,皮膚裡還是? 藏著一些洗不掉的污垢,這種時候,定時做個清潔面膜就顯得很重要了。這款清潔面膜適合混合性至油性肌膚,富含清潔泥與金縷梅成分,強力吸走污垢的同時鎮定肌膚,10分鐘平衡水油。 墨角藻與周氏扁藻共同控製油光,改善粗大毛孔。海洋精粹強效補水,令肌膚均衡淨透,清爽健康。 使用方法 每週使用兩次,均勻塗抹於全臉,注意避開眼周。 10分鐘徹底洗淨。 容量 40..
品牌: Thalgo
效能 The first step for combination to oily skin to remove make-up, deeply cleanse and eliminate impurities and excess sebum for clean, fresh skin. Results : . CLEANSES without drying . PURIFIES the skin ACTIVE INGREDIENTS Moringa Seed - De-pollutes ​- Removes make-up Millenary Algae Duo Fucus spiral..
品牌: Thalgo
效能 Exfoliating scrub with Sève Bleue des Océans that offers both mechanical and chemical exfoliation especially for dry and delicate skin. Results : Soft and radiant skin. ACTIVE INGREDIENTS Sève Bleue des Océans - alcohol-free A unique composition: 14 times richer in Silicium than seawater, 12 time..
品牌: Thalgo
效能 A 2-in-1 repairing balm cream with Cold Cream Marine that nourishes and softens even the driest hands, whilst strengthening the nails. Results : Day after day, the hands regain their softness and the nails are strengthened. ACTIVE INGREDIENTS Cold Cream Marine Unique Thalgo recipe to: Replenish =..
品牌: Thalgo
效能 A creamy lotion with repairing Cold Cream Marine which intensely nourishes and protects dry feet. Results : >> Feeling soothed and softened, the skin regains its comfort and suppleness. ACTIVE INGREDIENTS Cold Cream Marine Unique Thalgo recipe to: Replenish => Phytoplankton micro-algae oil, rich ..
品牌: Thalgo
效能 Rich in Brown Algae extract and enriched with a shield to protect against oxidative environmental stress, this fine emulsion helps to prevent and fight dark spots. The skin gradually becomes smoother, the complexion brighter and more even, becoming naturally more luminous. Results : EFFECTIVENESS..
品牌: Thalgo
效能 含有豐富的啡藻萃取物,能防禦外在環境的氧化壓力。高分子量多醣成份在皮膚表面形成防禦網絡,能抵抗肌膚每日接觸到的污染物。得到保護的肌膚逐漸變得平滑,膚色更均勻剔透,並恢復自然亮采。 容量 50ml 產地 法國..
品牌: Thalgo
效能 Rich in Brown Algae Extract and brightening agents, this serum acts simultaneously on dark spots and on skin irregularities. After 7 days, the skin is smoother and the complexion more luminous. After 28 days, dark spots seem less visible, and the complexion looks brighter and more even. Results..
HK$780 HK$960
品牌: Thalgo
效能 處理色斑及暗啞膚色第一步,水狀肌底液蘊含啡藻萃取物,膚色變得均勻亮澤;白木耳萃取物及透明質酸平滑及豐盈皮膚紋理,呈現更光滑透亮的肌膚 容量 125ml 產地 法國..
品牌: Thalgo
效能 Reducing the feelings of hypersensitivity in just ten minutes, this refreshing mask is doubly soothing. On the surface, Aloe Vera helps to alleviate discomfort and tightness. Deep within the skin, a plant extract improves skin tolerance to effectively reduce tingling and burning sensations. Resul..
品牌: Thalgo
效能 產品特點:高效提亮活膚面部滋潤乳,輕盈者哩乳霜質地,含Hydra-diffusine,有助皮膚水分擴散到表皮的各層, 含Hyalurophyline,通過表皮透明質酸合成儲存水分,含海洋因子,為肌膚注入富含礦物的水分,含Lumisource,促進細胞天然排毒過程,用後肌膚更柔軟、有光澤。 產品成分:Hydra-diffusine、Hyalurophyline、海洋因子、Lumisource。 推薦使用者:中性至混合性肌膚適用。 容量 50ml 產地 法國..
品牌: Thalgo
效能 適用肌膚:任何肌膚 產品功效:保濕提亮 產品特點:水分分散因子,能於肌膚各層注入水分,含Hyalurophyline,通過表皮透明質酸合成而產生水儲備,含海洋成分,能為肌膚帶來礦物豐富的水分, 含低和高分子透明質酸,能帶來深層保濕,即時豐盈的效果,用後肌膚更柔滑,活力,亮澤和健康 主要成分:Hyalurophyline,S鋦e Bleue 容量 50..
品牌: Thalgo
效能 高濃度的海洋精華配合沙漠椰棗萃取物,含有豐富類黃酮和酚酸,進一步提升啡藻萃取物的抗黑斑效能。經臨床測試驗證能針對性對抗及淡化色斑,顯著減少面及雙手的色斑。 容量 15ml 產地 法國..
品牌: Thalgo
效能 適用肌膚:所有膚質 產品功效:滋養水潤 產品特點:注入海洋能量!用於面部和眼睛的微團潔膚水,幫助一步清潔調理皮膚。含有豐富的礦物質,可以深層滋養和水潤肌膚,使皮膚清爽潔淨,無殘留感。適合所有膚質及敏感肌膚。 使用方法 早晚取於化妝棉上,從臉部中心向外擦拭皮膚,然後向下擦拭脖子和下巴。緊接使用海洋活化噴霧。 容量 200ml 產地 法國..
品牌: Thalgo
效能 適用肌膚:混合油性肌膚 產品功效:控油細緻 產品特點:雙層面部護理乳液,配方含有千年藻類,可調節皮脂的產生。減少毛孔粗大的外觀。注入啞光粉末,立即及持續控制油光。令肌膚均勻細緻。適合混合油性皮膚。 容量 200ml 產地 法國..
品牌: Thalgo
效能 A true beauty secret! Applied just before slipping into a bath containing Micronised Marine Algae or Thalassobath, it encourages the absorption of minerals and trace elements. Results : The skin feels replenished with minerals and revitalised. The transcutaneous absorption of marine ions (in susp..
品牌: Thalgo
效能 Activ Detox contains 100% natural-origin active ingredients - fucus brown algae and a complex of organic plants* - to help you recover a sense of well-being and lightness: • Fennel and artichoke extracts encourage detoxification of the body by helping to drain and eliminate toxins • Fucus brown a..
品牌: Thalgo
效能 A 7-day treatment to boost weight loss, Activ Draining is concentrated in 3 plant extracts – Mate, Horsetail and Hibiscus – recognised for their draining properties, and Ascophyllum nodosum brown algae which boosts the elimination of fatty deposits. Can also be taken as a food supplement to boost..
品牌: Thalgo
效能 Activ Refining Burner contains a patented phytocomplex called Sinetrol®, clinically proven* to reduce waist and hips circumference by 5 cm on average. It also contains Guarana extract titrated in caffeine, combined with Fucus brown algae extract. Results : 5 cm off the waist and hips on average* ..
品牌: Thalgo
效能 Combining nopal NeOpuntia® and Chlorella microalgae, this nutritional supplement absorbs dietary fats and sugars to prevent them being absorbed or stored by the body. Ideal for dietary slips. ACTIVE INGREDIENTS Activ Refining Blocker A nutricosmetic with immediate action, it combines clinically t..
品牌: Guinot
效能 Guinot 淨膚日霜立即和長時間使皮膚光滑。淨化皮膚,收緊毛孔。使粉底液停留時間更長。 調節皮脂分泌,抗菌作用 吸收皮脂 使用方法 一年四季均可使用,早上和/或晚上。 適合油性皮膚使用 容量 50..
品牌: Guinot
效能 Guinot 淨膚面膜收緊擴張的毛孔。改善皮膚的質感。使膚色均勻。 可調節油性分泌物的抗菌劑,可淨化皮膚 吸收皮膚表面的油脂並防止油光 去除死細胞和雜質 使用方法 每週使用一次或兩次; 塗抹時,在容易積油的區域:額頭,鼻子和下巴進行輕微的圓週運動。 十分鐘後,用溫水沖洗,擦乾並吸乾。 適合油性皮膚使用 容量 50..
品牌: Guinot
效能 Guinot 清新亮眼霜減少眼袋浮腫和黑眼圈。色調眼部輪廓。瞬間增亮並刷新眼睛。 通過促進微循環,去除脂肪和排毒眼部輪廓,對抗浮腫和黑眼圈 有助於排毒眼部輪廓並軟化皮膚 舒緩並保護皮膚免受有害的環境刺激 深層滋養皮膚 使用方法 使用以下按摩動作塗抹早晨和/或晚上 適合所有類型皮膚使用 容量 15..
品牌: Thalgo
效能 A gel-textured scrub with Sève Bleue des Océans that effectively exfoliates normal to combination skin. Results : Soft and radiant skin. ACTIVE INGREDIENTS Sève Bleue des Océans - alcohol-free A unique composition: 14 times richer in Silicium than seawater, 12 times more concentrated in Manganese..
品牌: Thalgo
效能 超濃縮亮白修正霜。有助特別縮小色斑的尺寸與深度。減慢黑色素的產生與轉移,肌膚更加凈透,均勻。 容量 30..
品牌: Thalgo
效能 The perfect ally for your diet, Les Infus’Océanes organic Silhouette infusion combines the brown alga Fucus vesiculosus, known to aid weight loss, with meadowsweet, green tea and maté. ACTIVE INGREDIENTS Silhouette Infusions'Océanes Organic Actives Organic plants*: Green tea, meadowsweet, liquori..
品牌: Thalgo
效能 適用肌膚:所有膚質及敏感肌膚 產品功效:滋養水潤 產品特點:注入海洋能量!用於面部和眼部的溫和潔膚乳,能有效去除皮膚上的化妝品。含有豐富的礦物質,可以深層滋養和水潤肌膚,使皮膚清爽,乾淨,舒適。適合所有膚質及敏感肌膚。 使用方法 早晚使用,以指尖或棉墊在面部及頸部打圈。接著使用溫和防敏爽膚水和海洋活化噴霧 容量 200ml 產地 法國..
品牌: Thalgo
效能 適用肌膚:所有膚質及敏感肌膚 產品功效:活膚補水 產品特點:注入海洋能量!用於面部和眼部的海洋爽膚水。有助完成清潔程序。含有豐富的礦物質,可以深層滋養和水潤肌膚,使皮膚清爽舒適。適合所有膚質及敏感肌膚。 使用方法 早晚用棉墊清潔臉部和頸部。隨後使用海洋活化噴霧。 容量 200ml 產地 法國..
第 113 ~ 140 筆,共 249 筆資料