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品牌: Thalgo
效能 Les Infus’Océanes organic Draining infusion combines the alga Fucus vesiculosus with hibiscus, blackcurrant and meadowsweet, known for helping the body to drain and flush out excess water. ACTIVE INGREDIENTS Infus'Océanes Draining Organic Actives Organic plants*: Meadowsweet, liquorice, blackcurr..
品牌: Thalgo
效能 A delight to the taste buds, Les Infus’Océanes organic Serenity infusion blends verbena, lime and orange tree leaf with the alga Ulva lactuca and liquorice, which is traditionally used to help restore calm and inner harmony. ACTIVE INGREDIENTS Infus'Océanes Serenity Organic Actives Organic Plants..
品牌: Organic Nature
成份 月見草油:舒緩女性周期或更年不適 效能 月見草油每粒含100mg次亞麻油酸Gamma Linolenic Acid (GLA),是人體無法自行合成,但對健康非常重要的必需脂肪酸,舒緩女士周期或更年不適,促進血液循環及新陳代謝的不飽和脂肪酸,人體內缺乏GLA會使人容易老化,體型變胖。 商品特點: • 亞麻油酸特別適合舒緩女士常見之不適症狀,如周期不適、胸部不適、更年問題和情緒緊張等,促進女士生理健康。 • 次亞麻油酸亦有效改善皮膚,因為它能保留細胞水分,改善皮膚缺水、敏感性皮膚及面部痘痘,對皮膚粗糙、黑斑所引起之各種問題也有幫助。 • 採用「冷壓法 Cold Pressed」的萃取方法,..
品牌: Thalgo
效能 Activ Detox contains 100% natural-origin active ingredients - fucus brown algae and a complex of organic plants* - to help you recover a sense of well-being and lightness: • Fennel and artichoke extracts encourage detoxification of the body by helping to drain and eliminate toxins • Fucus brown a..
品牌: Thalgo
效能 A 7-day treatment to boost weight loss, Activ Draining is concentrated in 3 plant extracts – Mate, Horsetail and Hibiscus – recognised for their draining properties, and Ascophyllum nodosum brown algae which boosts the elimination of fatty deposits. Can also be taken as a food supplement to boost..
品牌: Thalgo
效能 Activ Refining Burner contains a patented phytocomplex called Sinetrol®, clinically proven* to reduce waist and hips circumference by 5 cm on average. It also contains Guarana extract titrated in caffeine, combined with Fucus brown algae extract. Results : 5 cm off the waist and hips on average* ..
品牌: Thalgo
效能 Combining nopal NeOpuntia® and Chlorella microalgae, this nutritional supplement absorbs dietary fats and sugars to prevent them being absorbed or stored by the body. Ideal for dietary slips. ACTIVE INGREDIENTS Activ Refining Blocker A nutricosmetic with immediate action, it combines clinically t..
品牌: Thalgo
效能 The perfect ally for your diet, Les Infus’Océanes organic Silhouette infusion combines the brown alga Fucus vesiculosus, known to aid weight loss, with meadowsweet, green tea and maté. ACTIVE INGREDIENTS Silhouette Infusions'Océanes Organic Actives Organic plants*: Green tea, meadowsweet, liquori..
品牌: Thalgo
效能 Les Infus’Océanes organic Light Legs infusion combines the alga Ascophyllum nodosum with red vine and nettle, which help to relieve the feeling of tired, heavy legs. ACTIVE INGREDIENTS Actifs Infus'Océanes Jambes Légères Plantes Bio*: Feuille d'Ortie, Feuille de Vigne rouge, Feuille de cassis, Ba..
品牌: Thalgo
效能 Anti-aging shooter, COLLAG & Egrave; NE 10 000 is aimed at people wishing to visibly correct wrinkles. Ultra-concentrated, it delivers 10,000 mg of patented pure marine collagen. highly assimilable. Clinically tested, it reduces the number of surface wrinkles by -26% * and prevents the formation ..
品牌: Organic Nature
成份 藍莓精華素5000mg 效能 澳洲保健產品天然無污染,品質優良。澳至尊屢獲獎項殊榮,是顧客信心之選。藍莓精華素護眼功效顯著,舒緩疲勞,令你神采飛揚! 商品特點: • 關注眼睛問題、如常用電腦及手機上網者、或配戴隱形眼鏡人士、幫助舒緩眼睛疲勞。 • 提升及改善視力,尤其是近視、遠視、散光或老花的人士。 • 改善雙眼紅筋、乾澀不適和黑眼圈。 使用方法 成人及12歲以上兒童每日2次,每次1粒,餐後服用。 4 - 12歲兒童每日1粒,隨餐服用。 孕婦適用。 容量 30..
第 1 ~ 11 筆,共 11 筆資料